

Musoma, where I have been living for the past few years has delightfully temperate weather. Located just south of the equator, the average temperature is 74 degrees, and the average humidity is 67%. **
Why am I mentioning the weather in Musoma?
Is it because I have been longing for the warmth and consistency of a temperate climate?
Actually, no.
Although it is true that I am longing for warmth.

After returning to Tulsa I noticed that I felt continually dry. I required lotion and had to pay extra attention to my poor parched skin. In Musoma the very nature of the environment and weather ensured that I was being sufficiently saturated in moisture.

I have a point, don’t worry. There is a correlation from the physical to the spiritual here.

In Musoma everywhere I go I see needs that only God can meet. At the office I am reminded that only by God’s grace will we be able to complete the work that he has for us to do. When I am heading home from work I know that only by God’s protection will I make it home safely. Every aspect of my life there saturates me with thoughts and reminders of God. Reminders of my need for Him in all that I do. There are no simple tasks in Musoma. Honestly, I need God’s help simply to go to the market.

Musoma life saturates me in Christ. Tulsa life...less so. I can rely on electricity. I can rely on the grocery store to carry the products I want. I can rely on the roads to be drivable. I can rely on the water to be drinkable. I can rely on the internet to work. The truth is that while I can’t actually rely on any of those things, I feel like I can.

Christ is just as necessary to my daily life here, I just have to be more purposeful and attentive to being saturated by his presence. Just because it comes less naturally here, doesn’t mean that He is any less necessary in everything I do. Just because I feel like there are things that I can rely on in the States, doesn't mean that I should depend on anything other than Christ. I must keep looking to Christ in everything I do. He is the source of Living Waters.

The "rains down in Africa". This is on the edge of the Serengeti.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great post! Living in Tulsa, I feel similar. Although, the past couple months God has really made me rely on the basics for him. Obviously, I have clean running water, but I am having to rely on God to provide the money to pay that water bill. And I mean I have been in the position of saying, "Lord, help us eat..today!" And he has provided in amazing ways.

    This post really spoke to me as I am in that season on totally relying and learning to trust in God.

    God is so good :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!
