Another fun part of being a part of this workshop is the shift that happens in the midst of it. For the first two days the workshop leaders stand in front and bring a lot of content to the classroom, giving the practical and helpful tools of Learning that Lasts (LtL).
But then for the next three days, we sit back and relax (to a degree) and let the students become the teachers. In teams of twos the participants prepare and teach two different lessons. I got to sit and be a student. I learned about caring for chickens, Sandawe clicks, German vowels, the power of music, cultural taboos and various other topics that were presented by the participants.
Each of the teams grew between their two different teachings and I enjoyed getting to see that development.
So, LtL Mbeya was a success! Please be praying for these translators, pastors, linguists and translation advisors as they continue in their work. You can be praying that they continue to grow in their abilities to be impactful teachers!