
Picnicking in a Sari

This month is Sari Bari's 13th birthday!!!

According to our most recent survey of the women we work with, among other feedback, we found that; 96% of the women are looking forward to the future and 100% believe that they are finding freedom! (Check out the Sari Bari Annual Report, located HERE)

These are amazing statistics and so encouraging that these women are choosing freedom and have been for 13 years now!

In celebration of becoming a teenager we all went on picnics together. The weeks leading up to the picnics I was repeatedly asked if I would wear a sari. Of course! I was also encouraged to straighten my hair, wear eye makeup, wear lipstick, tuck my bangs away, get some bangles...I didn't do everything on the list, but I did some of it.

It was enjoyable to get to spend some casual and relaxed time with the women and build some shared experiences. I learned that I can do many things in a sari, like: paddle a paddle boat around a lake, throw around a frisbee, lean out the window of a train to try and snap an artistic photo, and go on amusement rides, including a "thrilling ropeway ride"!

You can do pretty much anything in a Sari. Saris are one of the most elegant pieces of clothing and they are also versatile and functional (at least in my amateur opinion).

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