
Half a Decade

5 years ago on the 14th of this month I first arrived in Tanzania.

I thought I would look back and select a couple of photos that would in some way represent that year.

2011: Learning how to do life in Tanzania and making all new friends.

2012: Working at the office in Mara for a full year! 

It was also the year that we had several celebrations of the book of Luke being published in various languages. I loved selling books at these celebrations and being surrounded by children trying to read them.

2013: This was the year that I finally found my own house in Musoma, and so ended the 4 years of moving around and house-sitting!

This year we made a final change to the Zinza writing system that allowed us to print Luke! The celebration of the printing happened days before I left the country to visit the States.

2014: This was apparently the year that I didn't take many photos. This was, however, the year that I came back home to Tanzania following some time in the States. I also turned 30 that year!

2015: The year I had my very first visitor!

Also the year that I spent standing in front of many, many classrooms.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the next five years hold!

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