
Intro to the Conflict

I moved to Tel Aviv last week for my masters program. Finally! I've been here 8 months and I'm just now starting. Phewph!

During orientation week my MA cohort (conflict resolution and mediation) were taken on a two day trip. We visited several places but the ones that stand out to me are the borders. We visited Mt. Bental where there is a UN outpost looking into Syria.

Along that border line is an opening between the two countries at which UN officials (and brides) can pass through.

We also visited the border with Lebanon which is harder to pick out in this picture.

We had two tour guides at one point; an Israeli and a Palestinian. Throughout the day we got to hear both of their viewpoints and narratives on life in Israel and the modern history of this land.

It was a great way to introduce us to some of the material that we will be covering in greater depth in the coming months. My first class starts tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. An opening in the fence just for UN officials and brides... that's hilarious, and kind of sad.
