
My Normal: Michango

Michango (mee-CHA-ngoh) means contributions, in Swahili.

The other day a friend brought me this mchango card (mchango is the singular of michango). She explained that her relatives (who I have yet to meet), knowing that she works with a number of ex-pats, asked her to pass these around at the office so that some of us could have the opportunity to contribute an amount towards the wedding.

I've been told that Tanzanian culture is less direct than American culture. I think that might be an over simplification.

I think it must be that Tanzanian culture is direct in some areas in which I am used to subtlety and subtle in areas where I am used to directness. I'm sure that I'm shockingly direct to many Tanzanians, and I'm also sure that some aspects of Tanzanian culture are shockingly direct to me.

One of the interesting things about these mchango cards for weddings is that they are not an invitation to attend the wedding. An invitation may come later.

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