
Reverse Downton Abbey

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I have a house-help. What I didn't mention is that I also have three outside workers. There are two night guards; Mr. Sakwa works Monday through Thursday while Jeremiah works over the weekend. There is also Shoka who is a gardener/day guard that works 5 days a week. They are all blessings, even if it is odd to have four employees at my house.

I was resistant to this whole idea of being an employer until a couple of years ago. I was watching Downton Abbey and realized that I needed to stop seeing employing people as a drain on me. Rather, it is one way that I can provide employment and a salary to at least a few people. So, thanks to a TV show I was able to get a better appreciation for the role I sometimes play here in Musoma.

In Downton Abbey the employed staff of the mansion are called to their duties by bells.

Here in Musoma I am called by my employed staff in a similar fashion.

While I was in the States last year, my housemates put up some bells and wind-chimes. For decoration. Well, Shoka, Mr. Sakwa and Jeremiah found that we tend to hear the bells ringing even when we don't hear them calling for us. So, now if I hear the tinkling of bells, I know that I am being called to a chat with one of the guards.

In some ways my life is similar to Downton Abbey, while in other ways it is kind of the reverse of Downton Abbey.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely written! I just started watching Downtown Abbey for the first time in my life (and still a lot of seasons to go!) so I am curious what things I can learn.
